Hello Everyone.  We had a great time on our long weekend in Tennessee.  Our feedback on this trip. The return trip was flawless.  Plane was on site, ready-to-go when we got there, and we left 10 minutes early.  Flight was great and the limo was waiting when we landed.  We were home 2.5 hours door to door; everything private aviation is about for us.

The outbound trip had its issues as we all know.  The flight itself once we got going was fine and all went well.  While I appreciate the efforts you took to keep us abreast of developments through texts and phone calls, the sequence of events did raise some questions.

  1. My understanding is that our intended outbound plane landed at ___________ the night before our departure.  So, it should have been possible to assess whether there were any problems much earlier which would have allowed you to call or text us and the limo service, that there would be a delay.  We only left our house 60 minutes before intended departure.  Only when we arrived at the airport did we find out the plane had mechanical problems and could not fly.
  2. We appreciated your willingness to let the limo driver take us back home to wait out the delay.
  3. But then, the same thing happened again.  We were informed that our new departure time was at 1:00 PM so we left our house shortly after 12:00 and returned to the airport.  You told us the plane was or would be ready to go.  But it wasn’t.  In fact, it was still locked in the hanger as the door was “stuck” and could not be opened.  Once a repair of the door was completed, the plane still needed to be refueled.  I believe, you had ample time to be more certain of the facts about the plane status before you called us and told us to return to the airport.  That would have allowed us to wait at home for another 1-2 hours instead of in the airport lounge.  It just seemed that, overall, you were trying desperately to get us airborne as quickly as possible, so you communicated with us before status was fully understood.
  4. This was the first time we had ordered catering as we were not eligible previously.  I was not even sure I wanted to order anything because of the short flight but wanted to try it.  My turkey sandwich was good, no complaints.  However, __________ pasta dish, which I expected to be a hot meal, was cold after sitting around for 3-4 hours.  When I ordered this for her, I did wonder who was going to keep it warm or reheat it for her and whether there even was a microwave or equivalent in the light jets.  My conclusion is that one should never order a hot meal for catering on a light jet.  Please help me understand this service better.
  5. The roast beef sandwiches were present for the return departure and actually are still in our home refrigerator.  We plan to have them tomorrow as the short flight really did not allow us to enjoy them properly.
  6. The limo service in____________(to/from) home was great.  I was disappointed in the fact that the limo service was NOT available in ________________.  This is now something I know I need to verify beforehand.  When this happens, in my opinion you should try to provide taxi service or Uber/Lyft service (which would likely be cheaper for you).  Our friends provided us with transport, so we had no issue getting to their house, but it is now part of my One Flight learning experience.

We look forward to our next flight which will be towards the end of ___________ from _____________ to _________ and a return 10 days later (not booked yet).


Dave G.