We did arrive safely back to ATL. I want to take this opportunity to voice my frustrations with this round trip to ____and home last night. I decided not to voice these frustrations on Saturday b/c I knew we were scheduled to come back with the same crew late last night but anyone paying attention should’ve heard it in my tone w/ last night’s emails. I also decided not to attempt to voice these frustrations directly when I arrived home at 1am, b/c I was a) already frustrated and angry for other reasons unrelated to OF and b) it was after 1am and nobody needed my long-winded rant that late (and I didn’t need to get myself all worked up again @ 1am either).
I was hoping our experience last night would’ve been better than on Saturday, but it really wasn’t much if any better. Now, the flight crew’s (pilot and co-pilot) #1 priority are clearly safety and there were never any concerns about that aspect and they were both friendly – no one was rude or anything like that. That said, the pilots also are the only real point of contact for One Flight’s customer in flight. On Saturday it was so insanely hot on the plane when we got on that we all (myself, my wife, daughter and her friend) began sweating profusely. I understand that it can be difficult to cool a plane entirely before we board when it is 100 degrees outside, but this plane never really cooled off entirely during the ~45 minute flight, so we were all pouring sweat the entire trip. Furthermore, the bottle waters on the plane were disgustingly hot, not just warm. I thought I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt here and tried to get cold waters for myself and the girls from the on plane cold drawer. There was no ice on the waters in the pull-out drawer, it had actually all clearly melted quite a long time before (b/c there was water in the tray as those waters were hot too.
So, b/c I asked via email the plane was significantly cooler when we arrived last night for our trip, but it was also dark, so the sun wasn’t beating down on the plane. That said, the bottle waters were again boiling hot, almost undrinkable.
While these are certainly not life and death issues, when I am paying ~$14,000 (+whatever I paid for my hours), this is just not acceptable. These are the types of frustrations I have experienced with One Flight consistently enough that I can no longer just sit back and say nothing. I shouldn’t have to tell anyone at OF that private air travel is the epitome of a luxury item/service only available to a very small percentage of consumers. There are lots of options out there so providing less than stellar service is not something anyone should accept when spending this kind of money for a service.
That’s my two cents and quite frankly why I haven’t renewed or increased my hours as has been requested of me several times.